a website to find new recipes

Welcome to The Sizzling Skillet, the place to find ideas when you’re not sure what to cook, be encouraged to try new recipes and be inspired to grace your homes with the aroma of freshly made food and your tables with delicious home cooked meals.

We like to keep things “healthier” over here for the most part but we also believe in balance and not cutting out entire food groups so you’ll find a variety of recipes ranging from healthy whole food meals, Gluten Free options, some quick meals and lots of sweets and snacks.

Each recipe you find here on has been personally made, tweaked and tasted until perfection by me. I love creating new recipes, making things “healthier” but ultimately creating mouth watering dishes that the whole family will enjoy!

About me:

In case you’re curious who I am… Hello I’m so happy you are here, my name is Glory and I’m the girl behind I have spent countless hours in the kitchen and still do. I grew up cooking beside my mom and siblings from a very young age and when I turned twelve I took over the primary responsibility of the kitchen, cooking for our family of twelve. That probably sounds a little crazy but when there are ten kids in the family, the household responsibilities have to be shared. My parents also wanted each of their children to learn as many basic life skills as possible so that we would be well equipped for adulthood and cooking is one of those things each one of my siblings learned to do. All that to say I have learned to cook a lot of different recipes, learned to meal plan, prep and write grocery lists etc.

Fast forward to now… I have my own house to make a home along side my hubby of five years and our sweet baby girl who is almost two. I still spend lots of time in my kitchen cooking for my little family and I thought it was time I share some of my favorite recipes with you all here on The Sizzling Skillet.

A few other things I enjoy… spending time with friends and family, playing sports (my favorite is volleyball) going to the beach or almost anything water related, riding horses, listening to music, watching movies/shows, thrift shopping (honestly any shopping lol) and I can’t forget my iced white chocolate mocha with whipped cream on top!