Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes

whole wheat oatmeal pancake recipe

Healthy whole wheat pancakes are difficult to master because pancakes are meant to be soft and fluffy. All things that whole wheat flour isn’t. However, finding the right balance of ingredients to make your pancakes whole-grain and fluffy isn’t impossible. I’ve tried lots of different whole wheat pancakes and so far this recipe is the best. They aren’t to dense or tough.

These pancakes are very simple to make and no crazy ingredients you’ve never heard of or weird sugar substitutes. They are thick, soft and incredibly filling thanks to the whole-grains and oats.

You can add so many different things to the batter. We love adding Blueberries or Chocolate Chips to the batter for a fun twist. I think Peanut Butter Chips would be another delicious add in. You could even use mixed berries like raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.

Toppings are another great way to spruce up any whole wheat pancake. We love the basic butter and maple syrup but fresh strawberries, maple syrup and homemade whip cream take these pancakes to a whole other level. A strawberry sauce made from fresh or frozen strawberries blended with canned pineapple is another amazing topping. Peanut butter is a tasty topping and you’ll get a little extra protein so it’s a win, win.

On the subject of protein and looking to up your protein intake (there are so many health benefits to doing this) You can add a scoop of your favorite protein powder. I like using a Vanilla flavored whey protein and my current favorite is from nakednutrition.com but there are so many different options available.

Tip: Store any leftover batter in a jar in the fridge for up to a week. This is a great way to save time on a busy morning by already having batter ready to go in the fridge. Usually I need to add a little more milk or water to thin the batter after it’s been in the fridge.

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes

Made with whole wheat flour, oats and not much else. Simple, wholesome, and delicious! Takes less than twenty minutes to mix these up, cooked on the skillet and to the table.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
  • 2 cups Regular Rolled Oats
  • 1 TB Baking Powder
  • 1 teas Baking Soda
  • 1 teas Salt
  • 3 Tb Honey opt
  • ½ cup Oil
  • 2 Eggs
  • 3-4 cups Milk


  • In a mixing bowl combine the dry ingredients
  • Add in the eggs, oil, milk and honey (I usually don't add honey but if you like your pancakes sweeter than go ahead and add it). You can add more or less milk to get the consistency you want.
  • Heat a skillet on low to medium heat and grease with some butter or cooking spray.
  • Use a ¼ cup to pour batter into prepared skillet. Cook until edges start to set and the bubbles on top of the pancake start to pop. Flip over and cook for a few more minutes or until golden brown.
  • Top with butter and Maple Syrup or any other toppings you enjoy.


You can add in 1 cup Blueberries or 1 cup Chocolate Chips to the batter for a fun twist.
This recipe makes 4 cups of batter which should make approximately 16 4″ pancakes. 
Keyword easypancakerecipe, healthypancakerecipe, wholewheatpancakerecipe